best baby food



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Sale price₹ 699.00 Regular price₹ 716.00
4.6 I 71 reviews
ragi almonds+ dates porridge (200gm) - Happafoodsragi almonds+ dates porridge (200gm) - Happafoods
4.9 I 8 reviews
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ragi mango + banana porridge (200gm) - Happafoodsragi mango + banana porridge (200gm) - Happafoods
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Save ₹ 80.00
happa fruit and yogo meltsTasty Happa mango fruit snacks: Great for 8-month-old babies as finger foods. Healthy and delicious treats for your little one
Sale price₹ 667.00 Regular price₹ 747.00
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sweet potato+ mango+pear Fruit & Veggie puree (Pack of 3) - Happafoodssweet potato+ mango+pear Fruit & Veggie puree (Pack of 3) - Happafoods
Sweet Potato + Spinach , Sweet potato+Mango+Pears Fruit & veggie (Pack of 4) - HappafoodsSweet Potato + Spinach , Sweet potato+Mango+Pears Fruit & veggie (Pack of 4) - Happafoods
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Save ₹ 53.00
organic fruit pureeorganic sweet potato mango and pear fruit puree
Sale price₹ 739.00 Regular price₹ 792.00
4.4 I 7 reviews
Save ₹ 58.00
happa super puffsstrawberry puffs
Sale price₹ 479.00 Regular price₹ 537.00
5.0 I 1 review
organic fruit pureeorganic apple and mango fruit puree
Healthy baby finger food snack: happa mango fruit melts pouch, perfect for 8 month olds.Wholesome happa mango fruit melts pouch, great for 8 month old's snack time
Save ₹ 49.00
Happafoods baby finger food-Healthy snacks for 8-month-old, Nutritious strawberry and blueberry bites with nutrients of yogurt for tiny handshappa yogo melts combo
Sale price₹ 449.00 Regular price₹ 498.00
5.0 I 3 reviews
Happafoods baby finger food-Healthy snacks for 8-month-old, Nutritious strawberry bites with nutrients of yogurt for tiny hands of your little oneHealthy and Delicious baby finger food snack-Happafoods strawberry yogurt melts pouch, perfect for 8 month old, Freeze dried toddler food